on 01.January 2002 by Kruno Huber (Grad.Brewmaster) as a private company.
The Manager
Kruno Huber is freelance manager and consultant, since 1990 working in the business.
Brewing,-beverage-and food industry and their suppliers, with focus on machinery.
Scope of services
Consulting; Engineering; Sales Management;
Project Management;
Site Management; Claims Management; Training.
Special service: Translation of technical documentation.
Turn-key process plants in cooperation with partners: Engineering, manufacturing and commissioning of for example CIP plants, flash pasteurizers, dosing systems, HGB plants etc. Complete installation works on site.
And many more …….
Address:K. Huber, Wagener Str. 9, 65510 Idstein, Germany Fon:+49(0)6126-228916 Fax:+49(0)6126-228917 Mobil:+49(0)160-4466952 E-Mail:huber@proman-online.de Web:www.proman-online.de